The Glock Hype
Ok I am slowly introducing a coworker to the world of hand gun ownership and he is buying into the hype of the Glock. I personally don't care for them but I don't want to let my bias influence his decision too much. I gave him the advice of hold a bunch of different guns and decide which one feels the most friendly in his hand what points naturally and fits comfortably. I don't know whether or not he has done this but he has told me that he has it narrowed down to Glock and the Springfield XD. The hasn't selected a caliber yet. He asked my if the Springfield was able to fire with a barrel full of sand or under water like the Glock. Now I have heard that the Glock is capable of doing this, but I am not sure if this is nothing more than Hollywood hype and rumor. If anyone out there knows if it is A. true and B. Whether or Not the XD's are capable of this please let me know. He is also asking for a magic one shot one kill caliber bullet combo, but we all know it is shot placement more than anything else in that department.